5 ways to reduce your contribution to climate change-World Earth Day

A day to remind us all our responsibility to save our planet from destruction caused by anthropogenic activities resulting in the climate change. It has became an International event from April 22, 1971 announced by United Nations Secretary General. The first Earth day was coined in April 22, 1970 by United States senator Gaylord Nelson. It was a protest against the oil spill off the California coast attended by around 20 million people and also volunteers from various schools and communities.

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Today, it is celebrated in 192 nations all over the world increasing the awareness for sustainability. Each year various activities are taken up across nations to create awareness for a more sustainable living.
The theme of World Earth Day 2017 is “Environmental and Climate Literacy”.

The Accord which was put forth by 197 nations in United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to save this planet from global warming and to strive for sustainability is the Paris Agreement. Many nations already ratified it. Learn more about it at PARIS CLIMATE CHANGE AGREEMENT.

So, what can we do as our contribution to reduce carbon footprint.


Deforestation is one of the predominant factor for Global Warming. Each year an estimated 18 million acres (7.3 million hectares) of forest are lost according to Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO). Even though huge amount of forests are jolted down to meet fuel needs, Paper industry also contributes a considerable share to it. As trees are the sinks for green house gases like CO2, more forest cover will reduce considerable amounts of GHG's.

So, step out of your home and plant a tree. From now, don't forget to choose paperless alternatives.

Next time when you withdraw money from ATM, don't print the receipt as you know you are going to get details through message and on online.


Transportation is another primary sources for Green house Gas emissions. Many cities like Beijing, New Delhi are facing serious problems due to vehicular pollution which resulting in smog. According to the Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks 1990-2014 (the national inventory that the U.S. prepares annually under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change), transportation represented 26% of total U.S. Green house gas contributions.

So, If you want to contribute to environment conservation, then opt for public transportation whenever possible or car pooling and if you can afford go buy a Tesla car.
Public Transit

Burning coal is the most polluting form of energy production: 25% of all greenhouse gases comes from coal. In 2015, the electricity sector was the largest source of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, accounting for about 29 percent of the U.S. total GHG emissions. Greenhouse gas emissions from electricity have increased by about 4 percent since 1990 as electricity demand has grown and fossil fuels have remained the dominant source for generation.(via EPA)
Renewable energy

Solar and renewable sources of energy has gained an overdue importance in the recent decade. Companies like Tesla, Apple are efficiently implementing renewable energy strategies. Apple's new headquarters and Tesla's Giga factory and island of Ta’u in American Samoa are epitomes of 100 % renewable energy alongside the Apple's data centers and Tesla's charging facilities.

So, go buy a solar rooftop and supply energy to your home yourself. Switch off the lights when not required even though you can pay for it and use LED bulbs.


Most direct emissions come from the burning of fossil fuels for energy. A smaller amount, roughly a third, come from leaks from natural gas and petroleum systems, the use of fuels in production (e.g., petroleum products used to make plastics), and chemical reactions during the production of chemicals, iron and steel, and cement. (via EPA)
Plastic Waste

Five ounces of carbon dioxide are emitted for each ounce of polyethylene (PET) produced—the type of plastic most commonly used for beverage bottles as estimated by EPA.

So, next time when you buy a bottled water or drink, think once and act wisely.

Freshwater withdrawals have tripled over the last 50 years. Demand for freshwater is increasing by 64 billion cubic meters a year. The main sources of fresh water are surface waters and ground water. As presaged by UN (United States), 14% of the world's population will encounter water scarcity by 2025.

Next time while you brush or bath, don't just leave the tap open.
We can also recharge ground water or use rain water for domestic purposes by rain water harvesting techniques.
Save Water (Pixabay)
Thus, by adopting small changes we can too contribute to the conservation of Environment.

Sources: EPA, FAO, Global Footprint network

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