London travel-Hampton court palace

Cardinal Wolsey, influential Archbishop of York to Henry VIII, began building Hampton Court in the early 16th century. Originally it was not a royal palace, but was intended as Wolsey's riverside country house. Later, in 1528, Hampton Court was seized by the king when Wolsey fell from royal favor. The buildings and gardens were then twice rebuilt and extended into a grand palace, first by Henry himself and then, in the 1690s, by William Ill and Mary II, who employed Christopher Wren as architect. There is a striking contrast between Wren's Classical royal apartments and the Tudor turrets, gables, and chimneys elsewhere. The inspiration for the gardens as they are today comes largely from the time of William and Mary, for whom Wren created a vast, formal Baroque landscape, with radiating avenues of majestic limes and many collections of exotic plants.

Structure of the day_Hampton Court Palace, London

                                               a vast, formal Baroque landscape....

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Cardinal Wolsey, influential Archbishop of York to Henry VIII, began building Hampton Court in the early 16th century. Originally it was not a royal palace, but was intended as Wolsey's riverside country house. Later, in 1528, Hampton Court was seized by the king when Wolsey fell from royal favor. The buildings and gardens were then twice rebuilt and extended into a grand palace, first by Henry himself and then, in the 1690s, by William Ill and Mary II, who employed Christopher Wren as architect. There is a striking contrast between Wren's Classical royal apartments and the Tudor turrets, gables, and chimneys elsewhere. The inspiration for the gardens as they are today comes largely from the time of William and Mary, for whom Wren created a vast, formal Baroque landscape, with radiating avenues of majestic limes and many collections of exotic plants.


Cardinal Wolsey had the Chapel Royal built during his time at Hampton Court. As soon as King Henry VIII moved in, he refurbished the chapel and installed its impressive vaulted ceiling in 1535-6. The chapel subsequently became the location for many decisive moments in Henry's life-it was here that he learned of his fifth wife Katherine Howard's infidelity and married his last wife, Catherine Parr. The Great Hall, with its delightful hammerbeam roof and Gothic fireplaces, was also part of Henry's rebuilding of Hampton Court. Stained-glass windows were added to the beautiful hall, showing the king flanked by the coats of arms of his six wives.
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The large ornamental gardens at Hampton Court host one of Britain's most popular horticultural events each summer. Some of the best gardeners from all over the country showcase their garden designs, surrounded by flowers and exotic plants. The creators of the most captivating gardens are awarded medals

Broad Walk

A contemporary print shows the East Front and the Broad Walk during the reign of George II (1727-60) .
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Clock Court

The so-called Anne Boleyn's Gateway is at the entrance to Clock Court Henry VIII's Astronomical Clock, created in 1540, is also located here.


The English statesman and cardinal Thorn as Wolsey (c 1475-1530) was considered the most powerful person in England after the king. During Henry VIII's reign, from 1509, Wolsey was given the role of managing England's foreign aft airs, as well as being the king' s adviser. This important position earned Wolsey a lot of wealth, but he also had enemies. His downfall came when Henry wanted a church annulment from his first wife, Catherine of Aragon, so he could marry Anne Boleyn. Wolsey, aware that his life would be in dangerif he did not achieve Henry's demand, proceeded slowly with a request to the pope. This angered the king, and also Anne, who used her influence to remove Wolsey from court. A few years later, Wolsey died suddenly on his way to face trial for treason.
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East Front

The windows of the Queen's Drawing Room, designed by Wren, overlook the central avenue of the Fountain Garden.


The yew and holly hedges here are around 7 ft (2m) high and 3 ft (0 9 m) wide.


Henry VIII had the Royal Tennis Court built in the 16th century, as he was very fond of the game. Legend says that he was playing tennis at Hampton Court while his second wife, Anne Boleyn, was being executed. When William Ill moved into the palace in 1689, he had the gardens and the buildings rem ode I ed. Wren's design for the gardens included the Fountain Garden and the Maze. The Maze was planted with hornbeams until the 18th century, when they were replaced with yews and hollies.

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