Guggenheim, New York city new york

Home to one of the world's finest collections of modern and contemporary art, the building itself is perhaps the museum's greatest masterpiece. Designed by architect Frank Lloyd Wright, the curvaceous, shell-like fa-;ade is a New York landmark. Taking its inspiration from nature, the building attempts to render the fluidity of organic forms. Inside, a spiral ramp curves down and inward from a dome, passing works by major 19th- and 20th-century artists. The imaginative layout of the Great Rotunda gives visitors the opportunity to simultaneously view works located on different levels.

Structure of the day_Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York

one of the world's finest collections of modern and contemporary art...

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Home to one of the world's finest collections of modern and contemporary art, the building itself is perhaps the museum's greatest masterpiece. Designed by architect Frank Lloyd Wright, the curvaceous, shell-like fa-;ade is a New York landmark. Taking its inspiration from nature, the building attempts to render the fluidity of organic forms. Inside, a spiral ramp curves down and inward from a dome, passing works by major 19th- and 20th-century artists. The imaginative layout of the Great Rotunda gives visitors the opportunity to simultaneously view works located on different levels.


The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation runs tiYee other museums In Bilbao 1n Span, a building designed by US architect Frank 0 Gehry houses a permanent collection of modern art (see p.106) Solomon's n1ece, Peggy Guggenheim, donated her large villa 1n Ven1ce and her collection of post -191 0 masterpieces of surrealist and abstract pa1nt1ng and sculpture to the foundation. Opened in 1951, this museum is situated on the Grand Canal in Venice. In cooperation with Deutsche Bank, the Deutsche Guggenheim Berlin has four exhibitions a year, including performance art and music.
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Wright (1867-1959) is considered the great innovator of 20th-century US architecture. He spent more than 70 years designing 1,141 works, including houses, offices, churches, schools, and museums. Characteristic of his work ai'Q the "Prairie sty1e" homes that became the basis of residential design in the US, and ottice buildings or concrete, glass bricks, and tubing. Wright I'QCelved the Guggenheim commission in 1943, and It was completed after his death In 1959; it was his only New Yorlt building.


The Great Rotunda puts on special exhibitions. The Small Rotunda shows some of the museum's celebrated lm pressi oni st and Post -lm pressionist holdings. The Tower galleries feature exhibitions of work from the permanent collection, as well as contemporary pieces. A sculpture terrace on the 5th floor overlooks Central Park.
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Guggenheim started out as a collector of mediocre old masters, but after meet1ng artist Hilla Rebay, he began to amass a superb stock of works by modernist artists such as Delaunay, Leger, and Kandnsky The Solomon R Guggenheim Foundation was founded 1n 1937 and established the Museum of Noo-ObjectJve Art, as the Guggenheim was known until 1959, 1n a temporary res1del"(:e Plann1ng of the new building began 1n 1943, but rt was not until after Guggenheim's death 1n 1949 that the collection was expanded to 1nclude such art1sts as Picasso, Cezanne, Klee, and Mangold Thannhauser's collect1on of Impressionist, Post-ImpresSionist and early modern art, donated from 1978 to 1991 by collector Justin Thannhauser and his widow, is hung in the Tower galleries. The Guggenheim Museum's exhibits change on a regular basis.

Paris Through the Window

The vibrant colors of Marc Chagall's 1913 masterpiece illuminate the canvas, conjuring up images of a magical and mysterious city where nothing is quite what it appears to be.
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Nude (1917)

This sleeping figure is typical of Amedeo Modigliani's stylized work. His simplified faces are reminiscent of African masks.

Before the Mirror (1876)

In trying to capture the flavor of 19th-century French society, Edouard Man et often used the image of the courtesan.


Guggenheim amassed his wealth through his family's mining and metal businesses, which he ran from New York. He collected modernist paintings, and in 1942, he asked Frank Lloyd Wright to design a museum to house them. The architect disagreed with the cho1ce of New York as the project's site-he felt the city was overbuilt, overpopulated and lacking in architectural merit But he acqu1esced, and deSigned a structure to challenge these shortcom 1ngs Disregarding Manhattan's rectilinear gnd system, he brought a fresh notion of museum deSign to the aty by USing a..rVJng, continuous spaces.

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