Foundation Engineering Handbook

Foundation Engineering Handbook



Chapter 1.  Introduction 

1.1. Definitions  / 1.1
1.2. Project Requirements  / 1.3
1.3. Preliminary Information and Planning the Work  / 1.4
1.4. Engineering Geologist  / 1.5
1.5. Outline of Chapters  / 1.7
Part 1    Geotechnical Engineering

Chapter 2.  Subsurface Exploration 

2.1. Introduction  / 2.3
2.2. Document Review  / 2.3
2.3. Purpose of Subsurface Exploration  / 2.7
2.4. Borings  / 2.9
2.5. Test Pits and Trenches  / 2.49
2.6. Preparation of Logs  / 2.51
2.7. Geophysical Techniques  / 2.55
2.8. Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering  / 2.61
2.9. Subsoil Profile  / 2.65
Notation  / 2.66
Problems  / 2.69

Chapter 3.  Laboratory Testing 

3.1. Introduction  / 3.1
3.2. Index Tests  / 3.2
3.3. Oedometer Test  / 3.16
3.4. Shear Strength of Cohesionless Soil  / 3.19
3.5. Shear Strength of Cohesive Soil  / 3.29
3.6. Laboratory Compaction Tests  / 3.65
3.7. Permeability Tests  / 3.77
Notation  / 3.81
Problems  / 3.84

Chapter 4.  Soil Mechanics 4.14.4. Effective Stress  

4.5. Stress Distribution  / 4.24
4.6. Total Stress and Effective Stress Analyses  / 4.41
4.7. Permeability and Seepage  / 4.57
Notation  / 4.72
Problems  / 4.74
Part 2    Foundation Design

Chapter 5.  Shallow and Deep Foundations 

5.1. Introduction  / 5.3
5.2. Selection of Foundation Type  / 5.3
5.3. Shallow Foundations  / 5.4
5.4. Deep Foundations  / 5.6
Problems  / 5.17

Chapter 6.  Bearing Capacity of Foundations 

6.1. Introduction  / 6.1
6.2. Bearing Capacity for Shallow Foundations  / 6.5
6.3. Bearing Capacity for Deep Foundations  / 6.16
6.4. Lateral Load Capacity of Deep Foundations  / 6.31
6.5. Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering  / 6.41
Notation  / 6.49
Problems  / 6.51

Chapter 7.  Settlement of Foundations 

7.1. Introduction  / 7.1
7.2. Collapsible Soil  / 7.2
7.3. Settlement of Cohesionless Soil  / 7.9
7.4. Other Common Causes of Settlement  / 7.27
7.5. Foundations on Rock  / 7.34
7.6. Allowable Settlement  / 7.40
Notation  / 7.46
Problems  / 7.47

Chapter 8.  Consolidation 

8.1. Introduction  / 8.1
8.2. Laboratory Consolidation Test  / 8.3
8.3. Immediate Settlement  / 8.11
8.4. Primary Consolidation  / 8.16
8.5. Rate of Primary Consolidation  / 8.24
8.6. Secondary Compression  / 8.33
8.7. Consolidation of Soil beneath Shallow Foundations  / 8.34
8.8. Consolidation of Soil beneath Deep Foundations  / 8.38
8.9. Settlement of Unsaturated Cohesive Soil  / 8.41
Notation  / 8.45
Problems  / 8.47

Chapter 9.  Foundations on Expansive Soil 

9.1. Introduction  / 9.1
9.2. Expansion Potential  / 9.2
9.3. Basic Expansive Soil Principles  / 9.17
9.4. Methods Used to Predict Foundation Movement  / 9.30
9.5. Foundation Design for Expansive Soil  / 9.41
9.6. Flatwork  / 9.47
9.7. Expansive Rock  / 9.49
Notations  / 9.50
Problems  / 9.52

Chapter 10.  Slope Stability 

10.1. Introduction  / 10.1
10.2. Rockfall  / 10.5
10.3. Surficial Slope Stability  / 10.10
10.4. Gross Slope Stability  / 10.18
10.5. Landslides  / 10.32
10.6. Debris Flow  / 10.47
10.7. Slope Softening and Creep  / 10.50
Notations  / 10.56
Problems  / 10.57

Chapter 11.  Retaining Walls 

11.1. Introduction  / 11.1
11.2. Simple Retaining Wall without Wall Friction  / 11.3
11.3. Simple Retaining Wall with Wall Friction  / 11.7
11.4. Design and Construction of Retaining Walls  / 11.13
11.5. Restrained Retaining Walls  / 11.17
11.6. Mechanically Stabilized Earth Retaining Walls  / 11.20
11.7. Sheet Pile Walls  / 11.25
11.8. Temporary Retaining Walls  / 11.31
11.9. Moisture Migration through Basement Walls  / 11.37
Notation  / 11.41
Problems  / 11.43

Chapter 12.  Foundation Deterioration and Cracking 

12.1. Introduction  / 12.1
12.2. Timber Decay  / 12.1
12.3. Sulfate Attack of Concrete  / 12.3
12.4. Frost  / 12.7
12.5. Historic Structures  / 12.8
12.6. Shrinkage Cracking  / 12.13
12.7. Moisture Migration through Slab-on-Grade Foundations  / 12.18

Chapter 13.  Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering for Soils 

13.1. Introduction  / 13.1
13.2. Basic Earthquake Principles  / 13.2
13.3. Peak Ground Acceleration  / 13.13
CONTENTS        vii13.4. Liquefaction  / 13.19
13.5. Slope Stability  / 13.31
Notation  / 13.45
Problems  / 13.46

Chapter 14.  Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering for Foundations and Retaining Walls 

14.1. Introduction  / 14.1
14.2. Earthquake Structural Damage  / 14.2
14.3. Foundation Settlement  / 14.9
14.4. Retaining Walls  / 14.20
14.5. Foundation Alternatives to Mitigate Earthquake Effects  / 14.31
Notation  / 14.34
Problems  / 14.35
Part 3    Foundation Construction

Chapter 15.  Grading and Other Soil Improvement Methods 

15.1. Grading  / 15.3
15.2. Compaction  / 15.14
15.3. Soil Improvement Methods  / 15.22
Notation  / 15.27
Problems  / 15.27

Chapter 16.  Foundation Excavation, Underpinning, and Field Load Tests 

16.1. Introduction  / 16.1
16.2. Foundation Excavation and Construction  / 16.2
16.3. Field Load Tests  / 16.28
16.4. Foundation Underpinning  / 16.32
16.5. Observational Method  / 16.40

Chapter 17.  Geosynthetics and Instrumentation 

17.1. Introduction  / 17.1
17.2. Geosynthetics  / 17.1
17.3. Instrumentation  / 17.7
Part 4    2009 International Building Code

Chapter 18.  International Building Code Regulations for Soils 

18.1. Introduction  / 18.3
18.2. Soils Investigation  / 18.5
18.3. Excavation, Grading, and Fill  / 18.7
18.4. Presumptive Load-Bearing Values of Soils  / 18.10
18.5. Expansive Soil  / 18.12

Chapter 19.  International Building Code Regulations for Foundations 

19.1. Introduction  / 19.1
19.2. General Regulations for Footings and Foundations  / 19.1
19.3. Foundations Adjacent Slopes  / 19.2
19.4. Retaining Walls  / 19.4
19.5. Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering  / 19.6
Appendix A.  Glossary A.1
A.1. Subsurface Exploration Terminology  / A.4
A.2. Laboratory Testing Terminology  / A.10
A.3. Terminology for Engineering Analysis and Computations  / A.16
A.4. Compaction, Grading, and Construction Terminolgy  / A.21
A.5. Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Terminolgy  / A.28
Bibliography  / A.34
Appendix B.  Example of a Foundation Engineering Report B.1
B.1. Introduction  / B.1
B.2. Site Observations  / B.1
B.3. Geology  / B.4
B.4. Site Investigation  / B.6
B.5. Conclusions  / B.6
B.6. Foundation Recommendations  / B.6
B.7. Other Considerations  / B.8
B.8. Closure  / B.8
Appendix C.  Solutions to Problems C.1
Appendix D.  Conversion Factors


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