Hydrophobized Lightweight Aggregate Concrete

Hydrophobized Lightweight Aggregate Concrete

Energetic modernization of exploited domestic resources has become a major economic activity in the recent years. Its importance is underlined by the tendency to minimize the primary energy consumption. Introduction of the UE 2006/32/WE3 Directive on 17 May 2006 imposes an obligation on Poland to undertake special activities in order to reduce final energy consumption by users of buildings within the consecutive nine years starting from 1 January 2008. To improve the energetic performance of the building industry, promotion of application of renewable sources of energy to power buildings and employment of energy saving technologies in construction of buildings was assumed to be preferential.

The analysis of the Polish Central Statistical Office data (1997–2007) has confirmed that the final energy consumption in Polish households is mainly attributed to central heating, accounting for 31%–71% of energy consumption, which means that the average is similar to the final energy consumption in Europe, equal to 50%. The high energy consumption by the housing sector results in emission of large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which accounts for ca. 50% of the total emission of gases. The effect of building technologies on the environment, mainly fuel consumption during exploitation and environment pollution due to CO2 emission, is frequently mentioned in the literature.

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Physical and moisture properties of building materials are the main factors affecting air quality, heat comfort, and energy consumption by buildings, as well as durability. In non-insulated buildings, the phenomenon of condensation occurs, especially due to improper thermal insulation and ventilation of rooms. This is mainly important for partitions touching the ground, where capillary water transport essentially affects heat flow by a 4- to 6-fold increase in heat conductivity of porous materials, which was confirmed in literature. Water present in masonry negatively influences indoor air, creating suitable conditions for harmful microorganisms to develop and biological and chemical corrosion, thereby increasing exploitation costs. Moisture and temperature are the most important parameters that influence development of mold and fungi in building barriers. Improper, changeable moisture and temperature conditions contribute to the growth of mold, which was confirmed by the results of laboratory experiments. An increase in moisture also results in changes in indoor microclimate and a decrease in thermal comfort, which may lead to disorders of the respiratory system, infections, allergies, and eye or skin irritation.

Production of ecological and energy-saving building materials becomes a common technology aimed at improving energetic effectiveness of buildings in accordance with the European Union Directive 2006/32/WE3. One of the materials applied for the energy-saving civil engineering is lightweight aggregate-concrete, especially because of its heat and moisture parameters. Compared to traditional concrete, the lightweight aggregate-concrete facilitates reduction of the weight of construction elements. Most natural aggregates have a particle density between 2.4 and 2.8 g/cm3, typically 2.6 g/cm3, while lightweight aggregates have a particle density between 0.8 and 2.0 g/cm3.
The decrease in dead weight could lead to reduced construction costs, since it can decrease the size of the foundation and structural elements such as columns or walls.

To obtain lightweight concrete, lightweight aggregates modified with municipal sewage sludge could be applied, which was confirmed by the results of scientific research.
The reutilization of industrial wastes and the use of recycled materials in construction applications have been a common practice and have increased worldwide over the last decades. Heat treatment can convert some types of wastes into ceramic products.

Due to the increase in the number of Sewage Treatment Plants and the efficiency of sewage treatment processes with a reduction of carbon compounds and biogens, the amount of emerging sewage sludge significantly increases. Sewage sludge often contains heavy metals, which are not sanitary safe after stabilizing through the process of methane digestion. In many cases, sewage sludge is also dangerous to the natural environment and, therefore, it ought to be suitably processed.

 Regulations and acts imposed by the European Union limit the sewage sludge deposition in landfills and its reuse in agriculture. One of the methods for utilization of sewage sludge is to apply it in production of ceramic materials and energy-saving lightweight aggregate-concrete blocks. Unfortunately, sewage sludge is often characterized by high moisture absorptivity due to the light aggregates structure. It causes a serious problem in the composition of the lightweight aggregate-concrete mixtures and in the ready-products. It essentially affects the heat flow process by an increase in the heat conductivity of the materials. The type and distribution of pore networks as well as their connection with the aggregate surface is an important feature for production of lightweight concretes. 

Differences between volumetric densities of the lightweight aggregate and covering it with cement mortar causes the aggregates to flow out in cases when the cement mortar has no suitable viscosity. To avoid the unfavorable phenomenon of subtraction of water required for the hydration process by lightweight aggregate, several procedures can be conducted. One of the methods is initial wetting to protect the aggregates from autogenic contraction. Another solution is to cover the aggregates with cement grout or ceramic shell, which provides lower water absorptivity of the aggregates, increases the density of aggregate particles and, thus, essentially influences concrete strength .

SOURCE : http://www.mdpi.com/1996-1944/9/5/317
Suchorab, Z.; Barnat-Hunek, D.; Franus, M.; Łagód, G. Mechanical and Physical Properties of Hydrophobized Lightweight Aggregate Concrete with Sewage Sludge. Materials 20169, 317.

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