Stonehenge visiting and tours

Built in several stages from about 3000 BC, Stonehenge is Europe's most famous prehistoric monument. We can only guess at the rituals that took place here, but the alignment of the stones leaves little doubt that the circle is connected with the sun and the passing of the seasons, and that its builders possessed a sophisticated understanding of both arithmetic and astronomy. Contrary to popular belief, the circle was not built by the Druids; this Iron Age priestly cult flourished in Britain from around 250 BC, more than 1,000 years after Stonehenge was completed.

Structure of the day_Stonehenge

                                                        most famous prehistoric monument....

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Built in several stages from about 3000 BC, Stonehenge is Europe's most famous prehistoric monument. We can only guess at the rituals that took place here, but the alignment of the stones leaves little doubt that the circle is connected with the sun and the passing of the seasons, and that its builders possessed a sophisticated understanding of both arithmetic and astronomy. Contrary to popular belief, the circle was not built by the Druids; this Iron Age priestly cult flourished in Britain from around 250 BC, more than 1,000 years after Stonehenge was completed.


Despite centunes of archeological, rehg1ous, and mystical interest 10 Stonehenge, the site's original purpose rema1ns unknown. The building of this inscrutable prehistoric megalith has been attributed to Greeks, Phoenicians, Druids, and Atlanteans. Theories on the reason it was built range from sacrifi cia I ceremonies to astronomical calendars. Unearthed evidence of burials suggests that human sacrifices took place here, and most experts agree that Stonehenge has rei igious foundations. The arrangement of the stones fuels belie fs in an astronomical purpose. The s ignificance of this site must have been great, as the stones used were not quarried locally but brought from as far away as Wales.
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Ringing the horizon around Stonehenge are scores of circular barrows, or burial mounds, where ruling class members were honcred with burial dose to the temple site. Ceremonial bronze weapons, jewelry, and other finds excavated around Stonehenge can be seen in the museums at Salisbury and Devizes


Stonehenge's scale is astonishing given that the only tools available were made of stone, wood, and bone. The labor involved in quarrying, transporting, and erecting the huge stones was such that its builders must have been able to <Ommand vast numbers of people. One method is explained here.
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Horseshoe of Sarsen Trilithons

There were originally five trilithons (three stones) within the Sarcen and Bluestone dr<les, each comprising two upright sarcen (hard sandstone) stones topped by a horizontal lintel.

Slaughter Stone

Named by 17th-century antiquarians who beliwed Stonehenge to be a place of human sacrifice. this was in fact one of a pair of stones y that formed a doorway.
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This illustration shows what Stonehenge probably looked like about 4,000 years ago. The stones remaining today create a strong impression of how incredible the original site would have been to see.


It is believed that the Beaker people emerged in Britain around 22 00 BC. Their name derives from the distinctive bell-shaped pottery cups found in their burial mounds, They are credited with building the Bluestone Circle at Stonehenge because concentric circles were typical of their culture and much of their pottery was unearthed in the vicinity. Their advanced construction techniques suggest that the Beaker people were sun worshipers, as well as highly organized and skilled craftsmen They created the Avenue, wh1ch runs d1rectly toward the midsummer sun, and widened the entrance to the henge, aligning 1t more predsely wrth the sunrise of the summer solstice


Archeologists once cla1med that Stonehenge was built by the Dru1ds, the pnestly class of the andent Celts, who performed ntuahstiC ceremonies and sa entices here Although the Site is still assooated wth the Dru1ds, radocarbon dating has proved that rt was ra1sed more than 1,000 years before they were established in the region, and they may have used the existing site as a temple. Today, Stonehenge IS famous for modern Druid ceremonies and festivals. Eng I ish Heritage, who control the site, perm1t Druid gatherings in the inner circle each yearfor the solstices and equinoxes. However, the s ite itself is cordoned off to protect against damage caused by an increas ing number of tourists.

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